Pairing: Clark/Chloe
Rating: Adult
Summary: Clark is exposed to something while investigating a possible old 33.1 facility, with some interesting results.
“What’s that smell?”
Chloe Sullivan looked away from the elevator shaft she’d been examining with her flashlight and turned to Clark. He stood behind her, breathing deeply, a frown on his handsome face as he struggled to identify a new odor that Chloe herself couldn’t smell.
She shrugged. “I don’t smell anything.”
“How can you not smell that?”
“My sense of smell probably isn’t as developed as yours, Clark.”
“You make me sound like Shelby.”
Clark wasn’t able to see through most of the walls in the abandoned building they were exploring. The walls were laced with lead, which was a dead giveaway that this probably was, as Oliver Queen suspected, a 33.1 facility. Or at least it had been.
Clark took another breath, and Chloe turned to him.
“Clark, this may have been one of Lex’s labs. It’s not a good idea to go sniffing funny smells on purpose.”
“I’m invulnerable.”
“Not to the meteor rocks from your home world. We both know Kryptonite tends to be the main active ingredient in all of Lex’s little concoctions. What’s this odor smell like?”
“If I knew what it smelled like, I wouldn’t have asked you what it was.”
Chloe lifted her brows. “Don’t give me your attitude.”
Turning away, she started for a dark staircase that led to the top floor of the three story building. He followed her up to find the entire floor was open for the entire length of the building, and completely empty. The floors even looked scrubbed clean.
Through the lightly dusty windows Clark could see Hobs Bay, also known as Suicide Slums, stretched out before them. Hobsneck Bridge was a ghostly shadow in the gathering storm clouds that hung low over the city. The building, as far as his and Chloe’s exhaustive search concluded, was deserted. Cleaned out.
“This may have once been one of Lex’s labs, but it’s deserted now. I doubt he left any incriminating evidence behind,” Chloe said. “Let’s go home.”
Clark was starting to feel odd. That strange, heady smell filled his senses and made him feel a little unsteady. It was like breathing a drug.
“Are you okay?” Chloe was looking at him in concern. “Your face looks kind of flushed.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
“Good idea. Whatever it is we’re breathing could be dangerous.”
She started for the stairs, but Clark scooped her up and ran, super fast, out of the building. They were back at his truck a second later, breathing in the cool, if not entirely fresh, outside air.
“Feel better?” Chloe asked.
“I can’t smell—whatever it was—anymore. Hopefully it was just some kind of cleaning material and nothing dangerous.”
Chloe doubted it, but she nodded anyway and got into the truck.
The drive back to Smallville would have been dull, if Clark wasn’t flooring it. He passed everyone on the road, his hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“The speed limit is 65, Clark. You’re doing 90.”
“I know. I want to get home.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m just a little restless.”
“I can drive. Maybe I should, before you get us a ticket.”
“I’ll know if I’m coming up on the police.”
He was downplaying what he was really feeling. He hadn’t felt like this since that time he’d lost his powers when he was 18. He was used to downing three or four coffees at the Talon, since caffeine normally had no effect on him, but when he’d lost his powers and done that, he’d felt as though he could vibrate himself right out of existence. He was feeling that way now. His heart thundered in his chest, and if he’d been mortal, he’d worry it would give out.
“You’re still flushed.”
Chloe’s soft, warm hand rested on his face, and Clark jumped at the unexpected contact. The truck swerved on the road and despite herself, Chloe yelped. Clark nearly lost control of the vehicle, but he managed to wrestle it back onto the road.
“I’m sorry, but you startled me!” he snapped.
The touch of Chloe’s hand had sent a jolt of hot pleasure straight into his groin. He felt the steering wheel give under his grip and he loosened up, lest he damage it. He felt shaky and strange. Not dizzy, exactly, but a little lightheaded. It was little wonder. All the blood was rushing into his cock, leaving little to feed his brain and encourage logical thought. His mind was suddenly filled with images of Chloe naked, sweating, and moaning beneath him, her body moving with each hard thrust of his cock.
He was almost overcome with the desire to pull the truck to the side of the road and just take her, and fuck her, whether she wanted him to or not. Somewhere, deep in the part of his mind that still had tenuous control over his actions, the thought of doing anything to Chloe against her will scared him. His heart thundered even harder, a lot from lust, but a little from fear of doing something he'd regret whenever, if ever, this chemical finally wore off of him.
“Maybe you should let me drive, Clark.”
“We’re almost there, and I’m fine. You coming home with me or back to the Talon?”
“The Talon. I need a shower.”
“I think you smell good enough to eat.”
Chloe eyed him suspiciously from the passenger seat. He was hyper aware of her, and he could hear her heart rate bump up just a few beats faster.
“You never say things like that to me, Clark. Whatever that smell was, it’s affecting you. I wish I could take you to a doctor.”
“Well, that’s not an option. It’ll work itself out of my system. In the mean time, you can shower at my place. There’s no one there but me anyway.”
That sounded a lot like an invitation to Chloe. She shook her head. Whatever was affecting him, she wasn't sure it would be a good idea to be alone in the house with him, and naked in the shower. She wasn't sure he could control himself, and she wasn't sure she would even want to stop him, if he came on strong. The last thing she wanted to do was take advantage of her best friend while he was under the influence of some chemical.
“I’m fine. I have to pack Lois’s things anyway, and send them to my cousin, Lucy.”
Since Lois had died at Davis’s monstrous hand, Chloe had been avoiding packing up Lois’s belongings. Clark didn’t blame her. It hadn’t been easy since Lois had died. It hadn’t been easy for Chloe to impersonate her cousin, either. She often said she felt like a grave robber, every time she answered to Lois’s name.
“Fine. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning for work.”
“Okay.” She said. She was surprised he didn't offer to come up and help her pack.
He pulled up in front of the Talon and Chloe stepped out. She was packing her things, too, and moving to a new apartment in Metropolis, where not so many people knew her old identity. She gave Clark one last go over with her eyes, torn about whether or not to leave him alone.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, sensing her reticence. Nodding, Chloe got out of the truck and watched Clark drive off down the road.
Chapter 2
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