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14 April 2008

Red Suits Us Part 1

Summary: Kal returns when Clark accidentally
stumbles upon some red kryptonite, and both
Lois and Chloe become the objects of his desires.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (conclusion)

It looked to Lois as though the ground were glistening with blood. Thankfully that wasn’t the case. The wet-looking red glow came from literally thousands of tiny red stones that were poking partially from the soil of an impact crater. Lois, who’d taken to keeping a small camera in her purse, took a few snapshots of the crater and the surrounding area. Her cousin, Chloe Sullivan, looked thoughtfully at it.

“I hope Clark doesn’t show up here before I can warn him,” she mumbled quietly, as though she weren’t fully aware of Lois’s presence.

“Why not?”

Chloe snapped out of it, and looked suddenly horror-struck, as though she’d let slip something important and secret.

“Uh…he’s allergic to them.”

“They’re just red meteor-rocks.”

“You know how the green rocks mutate people?”

“Don’t I ever,” Lois said.

“Red ones affect people too, make them reckless, but they do much more than that to Clark. I’m guessing he has what equates to an allergic reaction to them. And like an idiot, I told him where we’d be.”

Lois nodded. She didn’t want Clark coming out here and collapsing. The medical center was a long way off, and she doubted she and Chloe combined could lug an unconscious Clark Kent even a few feet.

“Well, don’t worry, cuz. We’re out practically in the middle of nowhere, and he’s back in town. We’ll warn him when we get back, he’ll be okay.”

She lined up another shot, but a gust of wind ruffled her hair, and then she heard Chloe’s panicked voice.

Clark, no!”

Lois turned around, almost dropping her camera. Clark Kent was standing with them at the rim of the relatively small crater, but when she looked for his truck, it wasn’t there, and Chloe looked scared shitless. She held her hands to her face as Clark’s eyes briefly shimmered with red light. Chloe hadn’t been lying. Clark was really sensitive to these red stones.

“Do you feel dizzy, Clark? Is it hard to breathe, or is your throat swelling up?” Lois asked, putting a hand to her own throat unconsciously. “Don’t pass out, Chloe and I can’t lift you.”

Clark turned to her, and for a second Lois thought she may be the one who would pass out. She’d never been looked at like that before in her life, and she’d never seen such a change come over anyone before either. Farmboy was looking at her like she was a cool glass of water and he was parched from a day of tilling the fields in July heat. She felt her nipples harden, and her face flush because of it. This was just Smallville…

He grinned, his eyes raking over her body, and she got the feeling he could see every inch of her as though she were standing there naked. And that sly, mischievous grin made her tremble.

“I’m not going to pass out, Lois,” he said, his voice low, sensual. "But something is defintely about to start swelling up."

Chloe suddenly shoved at him, trying to catch him off guard, but she may as well have been pushing at a two ton stone statue for all the good it did.

“What are you doing?” he asked in amusement.

“Trying to get you away from the rocks,” said Chloe. “Clark, please, just take a few steps back and you’ll be out of the range of their—”

Like some kind of romance novel Cassanova, Clark pulled Chloe to him and laid a bruising kiss on her. Lois felt a tiny pang of jealousy, something she’d never expect to feel regarding Clark Kent and his love interests, but the way he was kissing Chloe, like he wanted to devour her…and Chloe was responding, most likely despite her best judgment. No surprise there, considering how Chloe’s always felt about him. If this is the kind of reaction he has to the red rocks, why was Chloe so scared?

“Okay, I’ll just leave you two alone,” Lois said, starting for Chloe’s Yaris.

Clark, this isn’t you,” Chloe said breathlessly.

“It’s the most honest you’ll ever see me,” he said in that strange new voice of his, a voice Lois was starting to think of as his fuck me voice. “Let’s go home. I wanna screw you until you come, Chloe.”

“Oh, God,” Lois said in disgust, walking away. She never would have expected meek little Clark Kent to say something so vulgar, especially to Chloe. “I did not need to hear that.”


“Call me Kal.”

Clark…okay, Kal, let’s go back to your place, now.”

Lois looked around at them, Chloe was trying to urge him away from the rocks, but he wouldn’t budge.

“First things first. I’d hate to lose my buzz.”

He moved around Chloe, overcoming her attempts to keep him from getting closer to the rocks, and picked up just one tiny stone, slipping it into his pants pocket. Then, to Lois’s astonishment, he and Chloe disappeared into thin air.

And Chloe had the keys to the car.

“Son of a bitch!” Lois shouted, but no one was around to hear her.

Chloe Sullivan was disoriented. One second she’d been standing with Lois by the crater, the next, she was on her back, on Clark’s bed, with his heavy weight pressing against her. He had a large erection, and had ripped open her shirt and bra like ripping tissue paper from a gift. He growled low in his chest when he looked at her naked breasts, and hardened nipples.

“I love it when the nipples are pink,” he said, and lowered his lips to them.
Chloe was shoving at him with all her might…well, she was intending to shove at him. Right now she was just doing a sort of weak clutching thing as he expertly suckled first one nipple, and then the other. She was holding back her gasps fairly well, but one escaped when Clark’s thumb began toying with her clit over her jeans.
Clark, stop,” she pleaded weakly. He grinned.
“You want me to stop, Chloe?”
“No—yes, yes, I do.”
Now that he wasn’t suckling her nipples, and the pressure on her clitoris eased up, she was able to think a little more clearly. She pushed at him in earnest, but he batted her hand away, and lowered his lips to her ear.
“Don’t you want me?”
What pocket is that rock in? Chloe thought, forcing her mind back to the crater. His right pocket.
“I want Clark,” she whispered back. “You’re not Clark.”
“I am Clark,” he said, “the honest Clark, the Clark who’s not afraid of what will happen to our friendship if I pound that tight little pussy of yours until you come, and then beg me for more.”
Chloe was getting unbelievably wet at those words, but she still slipped her hand into his right pocket and pulled the little red stone from it. It was so small, that she slipped it into her mouth, and swallowed it, as though it were an aspirin. She hoped her healing ability would prevent it from doing anything to her. Clark watched her, and she waited for him to return to normal, but he just laughed.
“You forgot the other one.”
He got up from the bed, and studied her. “You’re no fun, Chloe. I was hoping you’d wanna take the chance to fuck me, but all you care about is taking away my good feeling.”
“You know what kind of damage you do on this stuff, Clark. Please, get rid of the other rock, before you do something you regret!”
“You’re not the only woman I want to fuck. Maybe Lois will want to party.”
“Stay away from her, Clark.”
“No, scared. She won’t understand what’s happening, and I don’t want you to hurt her. You may end up telling her your secret!”
“That’s a good idea, thanks."
He leaned in to her again, pressing his lips to hers. “I’ll look you up later, once I’m done with Lois. Maybe that rock you swallowed will have done you some good.”
In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    uh...where did Chapters 2-4 go? come on I NEED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS....and how Chloe deals with Lois being brought into the mix...I hope that it's a one time thing since Lois and Clark can't stand each other...

    PLEASE RELOAD CHAPTERS 2-4 because this is an awesome story so far! btw, I love your other Chlarker stuff@

    1. Hey! I've updated the links. If you find other broken links simply replace the ctsfics in the address bar with grlmonday and the link will work.


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